Pharmacognosy Department

Vision and Mission


Presenting a unique graduate in the field of drugs and medicinal plants at the local and regional levels, and linking scientific research to the needs of society, and taking an advantage from medicinal plants and natural products available in the surrounding environment.


Providing a high level of education in the field of natural products to keep pace with the latest developments in this field, especially those extracted from medicinal plants and natural products, as well as linking scientific research to the needs of society and benefiting from natural resources and environmental waste in the pharmaceutical industry.

The objectives of the Pharmacognosy Department are directed entirely to achieve the following:

• Excellence education, scientific research and public services related to the field of pharmacognosy and chemistry of natural materials.

• Compatible with the current and future needs of pharmacy practice.

• Clarifying the importance of herbal medicine through continuous and renewable research.

• Developing the local and national pharmaceutical service by providing safe and effective natural medicines that meet the needs of the community.

• Searching for local natural materials for the treatment and dealing with chronic diseases.

• Introducing the chemistry of medicinal and natural substances in the researches and development departments in the pharmaceutical industry.

• Developing appropriate methods for extracting, separating and ensuring the quality of active substances from natural materials to be used as pharmaceutical products, food supplements and cosmetics.

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