Medicinal Chemistry
Medicinal Chemistry Activities 2023-2024
Medicinal-2 Fall 2023
The activity was carried out in collaboration with the Department of Pharmacology, where students were divided into groups and allocated a specific drug or drug group for each group to prepare a brochure so that brochure reviews the relationship between the construction structure of the drug and its effectiveness as well as the mechanism of the drug’s work and its side effects.
Chemical Basis of Drug Action Fall 2023
The subject’s activities relied on scientific research in various medical sites, brainstorming as well as self-learning to link scientific material. A full report on all drug matters was made in the so-called ADME Predication and submitted on a pre-prepared form on Microsoft Form.
Drug design and Development Fall 2023
Students were divided into groups and each group was given a research paper to summarize and delivered to arbitration in the form of Word file and was judged with certain specifications.
Medicinal-1 Spring 2024
The activity was carried out in collaboration with the Department of Pharmacology, where students were divided into groups and allocated a specific drug or drug group for each group to prepare a booklet so that booklet outlines the relationship between the structure and activity of the assigned drug, its mechanism of action, and its side effects.
Medicinal Chemistry-3 Spring 2024
The activity of Medicinal Chemistry 3 was to create a link from which students could view the latest medicines approved by the Food and Drug Authority for the last years from 2018 to the beginning of 2024 in the form of a combined pdf for each year. The data was uploaded through the link, and anyone can search for information inside it including the name, usage or pharmaceutical goal to benefit from it in the development of curricula or in scientific research, intended to create:
“Annual Edition of Medicinal Chemistry about the Novel FDA Approved Drugs”
Implementation of Modern Learning Methods
In Medicinal Chemistry-2 (Fall 2023) and Medicinal Chemistry-3 (Spring 2024), students are introduced to educational materials before class, as opposed to the traditional in-class learning model. This approach includes activities that encourage collaboration among peers and question-solving tasks, allowing for a deeper understanding of the scientific material.
Game-based learning was employed in the Medicinal Chemistry-3 course. This method involves using engaging and playful games in the form of problems and questions to encourage students to learn collaboratively and enjoyably. This approach not only enhances students’ information retention but also fosters a spirit of teamwork among them.