Organic Chemistry Activities 2023-2024
Classroom Activity Report for Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-1
Under supervision of Prof. Dr. Magda Nasr Ahmed
The Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, “Organic Chemistry Specialization,” at the College of Pharmacy, organized a review of student activities for first-level students throughout the week from December 16 to 21, 2023.
This comes within the framework of activating specialization and different learning, which raises the scientific level of a graduate among the “organic chemistry” graduates.
The events will be organized by displaying posters, videos, and presentations, and discussing them through the department’s professors.
The events concluded with honoring the participating participants for their efforts and participation.
By the grace of God, thanks to everyone who participated in the activities, including our faculty members, faculty members, and their assistants
🔸️Coordinator of scientific activity at the first level in the department: Dr. Muhammad Zidane
🔸️Subject Coordinator: Professor Walaa Al-Husseini
🔸️Head of Department: Prof. Dr. Magda Abdel Eziz
Classroom Activity Report for Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-2
For the academic year 2023-2024
In support of the self-education strategy adopted by the Faculty of Pharmacy at Horus University, the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Organic Chemistry Speciality) conducted a classroom activity for its first-level one students based on dividing the curriculum parts among the students, where each group explains a part of the curriculum to their colleagues.
The students of each laboratory were divided by the teaching assistant into 3 groups, each group presented a part of the curriculum in a different form including a poster, creating a video, or making a presentation.
The students were urged not to rely entirely on the textbook and the lecture as sources, but to search in different sources so that each student can put his own mark on the curriculum to enrich the educational material, and the necessity of adding sources to a poster, presentation, or video was emphasized. Each group was evaluated by the faculty member supervising the laboratory, and during the presentation of the activity, the students’ efficiency and good ability to present was very clear. Finally, the report includes some examples of the classroom activity.